Buckroe Beach – Then and Now

Buckroe Beach Amusement Park

Last Sunday, May 7th, there was an extensive article in the Daily Press about Buckroe Beach discussing its current state and plans for the future.

What an interesting history Buckroe Beach has had! Many people who are relatively new to the area do not realize that Buckroe had an amusement park and was a great attraction for local residents and visitors. It had a roller coaster, bumper cars among other great rides.  I began visiting Hampton Roads in the 1990’s, so I completely missed it, but from the long time inhabitants I have heard it was great family fun.

When we bought our home here in 2001, it was this beach that closed the deal for us and the house we chose is just a few minutes away.  We loved that it was quiet and not too touristy, and people can spend a lovely day at the beach without too big of crowds and noise.

In fact, I made a video called “Homage to Buckroe Beach” shortly after 9/11 when we visited the beach for the day trying to mentally come to grips of what had happened, just wanting to be alone with each other.  The video has been enjoyed by many, and even shown during my church’s service in remembrance of the 15th anniversary of the tragedy of 9/11.  I will post again to my blog this September, but if you would like to view, here is the link, Homage to Buckroe Beach.

There has been much more development to Buckroe Beach since we moved down to Hampton from New York in 2007.  The Beach that would get a handful of visitors on a hot summer weekend was now completely compacted with beach and sun lovers, the park area filled with barbecuers and concerts taking place in the bandshell.  Food vans sell wonderful meals and this summer we can expect even more vendors.  There are art festivals, ethnic festivals, volley ball tournaments and more during the spring and summer.  Plans are in development for a few restaurants and stores to take up shop in the area as well.

And of course, there is new construction of homes, some already built and occupied, some still in development.

Of course, as a Real Estate agent, I look forward to the opportunity of selling these homes to buyers, but I don’t want the beach to get too crowded, too congested.

Buckroe Beach in Winter

Buckroe Beach is also enjoyable on a cold winter’s eve, when the sun sets and the skies are tempered with deep reds and purples.  A delight when your day has been maddening, but there is place that welcomes at the end of that day to find solace, strength and encouragement.

I hope this place will always be here.

Daily Press Article on Buckroe Beach, May 7, 2017

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